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The Importance of Self Belief

TLDR: Why do we need to believe in ourselves? Simple: because no one else will.

handsome man watches sunrise
Mount Batur (Bali) sunrise feat. yours truly

The long answer.

Having self belief is one of the most important things to have in life. I mean, why bother do anything in life if you don't believe you can? Why take the risk when you could fail? Why start that course, pursue that business idea or apply for the job? It would be pointless to start anything if you are not committed to seeing it through. Even worse, why start when you don't believe you can even do it in the first place.

But how do we cultivate self belief? Is that even possible? It just seems like some people are just born with it.

No. That's not true. Self belief and confidence is something that has to be nurtured and grown, giving us confidence with each step we take.

Here are 5 techniques I use to build my own self belief when I'm feeling like it's all. Just. Too. Hard.

Step 1 - Do Something Small

Do something small. Take the first step in the direction of your goal. Remember the old saying "you don't have to see the whole staircase to take the first step".

What this practically looks like: thinking about studying? Jump online and search the course your interested in. Do you meet the prerequisites to apply? Go for it.

If you don't, find bridging courses and enrol to meet the prerequisite.

Perhaps you've got a business idea. What is the leanest way you can trial your idea? Can you make a prototype to try and sell at your local markets or on Etsy Web store? A software or app idea? Adobe spark can help you create a working design instantly. Similarly, canva and wix have free options to use.

Once you have taken the first step, the next step will appear at the perfect time.

Step 2 - Reflect

Step 2 - Write down a list of all the things you have accomplished in your life so far. Start with the small stuff and get a few runs on the board. For me this looks like:

  • Woke up alive, consecutively for the last 32 years in a row

  • Didn't catch Ebola

  • Not addicted to drugs...

So on and so forth. Build up your list of things and quite quickly you'll realise you've been through some shit and come out the other side!

Step 3 - Stop Scrolling

Step 3 - Get off your phone! We'll, once you've finished reading this of course. Why? Social media apps are destroying our sense of reality. All we see on these apps is either people showing off their latest successes, or we're stuff to distract us from pursuing our own ideas. Yes sure, there are motivational videos and cool workout videos, but they're mired between a thousand other videos of people telling you how to be successful or funny videos that are slowly killing you. If you can't stop using them (like myself), set timers for how long you are using the apps (instagram has a built in timer).

Step 4 - Environmental Management

Step 4! Get around the right people. If you can't find them, At least stop spending time with anyone who makes you feel less. I know sometimes this is isn't possible, in this case you need to build crocodile skin and rise above the negativitaytay.

The goal is to cleanse your self with everything and anything at all that inspires you to make your move. This means surrounding yourself with people, things, ideas, animals and nature that inspires you to look on the positive side of life.

Step 5 - Join A Group

Join a confidence build group. This could be a group training class at your gym, toastmasters public speaking training (highly recommend), a group sport or gaming club... Basically anything where you can get around positive, supportive people. Avoid clubs that are on the negative side - gambling, drinking, gangs, etc.

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